Throughout this conference, we will explore the latest research, share groundbreaking techniques, and discuss the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Our agenda is packed with insightful presentations, expert panels, and interactive sessions designed to foster collaboration and spark new ideas.

Assalamualaikum WBT and welcome to our 12th Biennial Conference on Cardiopulmonary Bypass 2024 which is held in Penang this year. “The Art of Precision For Better and Safe Patient Care” is this year’s theme. It is a privilege again to gather such a distinguished group of professionals, all dedicated to advancing the field of cardiovascular medicine.

The work we do in cardiopulmonary bypass is nothing short of lifesaving. From the early days of heart-lung machines to the cutting-edge technologies and techniques we employ today, our field has continually evolved, driven by innovation and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Today, we stand on the shoulders of giants, and it is our duty to push the boundaries even further.

I encourage you to take full advantage of this opportunity to connect with your peers, ask questions, and share your own experiences. The exchange of knowledge and expertise is what will drive our field forward and ultimately improve patient outcomes.

Don’t forget to explore the wonders of Penang, savour the delightful array of food from it’s multiracial, multi-ethnicity people. Bask in the beautiful beaches and exciting famous tourist hotspots.

Thank you for being here and for your commitment to advancing cardiopulmonary bypass. Let's make this conference a milestone in our collective journey toward excellence in cardiovascular care.

Together, let's embark on a journey of learning, innovation, and collaboration. Welcome once again, and I look forward to the productive days ahead.

Thank you.